Macintosh LC Performa 550, 575


All-in-One LC and Performa


Macintosh LC Performa 500 series “All-in-one” has a 14″ color CRT display. 33MHz 68030 or 68LC040 processor respectively, 2x CD-ROM, SCSI hard disk, and comes standard with 5MB memory. This model features an LC PDS expansion slot.

They will ship with a power cable. Expect minor scratches and scuffs – anything more major will be noted below. Coloring examples can be see here.

Below Macs work great, logic boards have been professionally cleaned and recapped and have had their floppy drives serviced. New PRAM battery installed. Available with or without a color matched Apple Design Keyboard and Mouse.

Select One:

A) Performa 550 M1640 – SN: MY4220HZ2TT – 33MHz 68030, 36MB Memory, 1.44MB SuperDrive, Apple CD 300 Plus, 160MB hard drive installed with System 7.5 with lots and lots of games including Frogger, Tetris, and SuperMuncher. The case looks nice, but likely has light discoloration. Rear I/O door bezel is a little darker in color and the clips are broken off. Can run System 7.1 to 7.6.1.This one is in the photos.

B) LC 575 – M1640 – SN: MY3531F2GU – 33MHz 68LC040, 20MB Memory, 1.44 MB SuperDrive, 2x CD-ROM, 160MB hard drive with new install of System 7.5. The case looks nice to light on the front, getting a bit darker as it moves to the rear. Left side has medium discoloration. No I/O door bezel. Can run System 7.1 to OS 8.1.

*Note: These machines are now 30 years old as such plastics are extremely brittle, as such please expect some broken plastics and clips.