Macintosh Color Classic



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Apple Macintosh Color Classic, M1600. The first compact Mac to sport color! With a 10″ Sony color monitor (512 x 384 pixels), it featured a 16 MHz 68030 processor, 4 MB memory (10 MB max), a hard drive, a 1.4 MB superdrive, built in microphone and an LC PDS slot. System 7.1 to 7.6.1.

Introduced in 1993 at $1300.

It has been cleaned inside and out, the motherboard recapped and the floppy drive serviced. Comes as it did with a power cable, Keyboard II with cable and Desktop Bus Mouse II and all of it’s feet. This one has a 1 GB hard drive running System 7.5.5, and is loaded with apps and games. It also has the max – 10 MB of memory. The case has light to medium discoloration along with some scratches and scuffs. There is also a new pram battery installed.