Apple IIc Screws – Case, Drive and Motherboard


A2S4000 & A2S4100


Screws for the Apple IIc. Starting at the top of the photo and going clockwise:

Handle screws (2) *Some are unique and some are the same as the Front Case screws, so you may get either.

Handle screw clips (2)

Power Supply screws (2)

Motherboard screws (9 for early motherboards ROM 255 and 0, 8 for ROM 3 and 4)

Front Case screws (4)

Disk Drive screws (4)

All are sold individually. As you may have discovered, some screws have been substituted with others over the years. As near as I can determine, these are the correct original screws.

*Last photo shows late IIc cases screws – they are for both the front screw and the handle.